Hey, I'm Sooraj! I've been pushing pixels and breaking browsers for 6 years now.
Likes to make divs look pretty and buttons feel important.
Writes Javascript, but spends half the time debugging CSS.
Knows that 'responsive' doesn't always mean 'cooperative.'
Still waiting for the day when browsers finally agree on everything.
I'm also on a quest to max out my brain's storage with CSS container queries, React's experimental features, Three.js web wizardry, and Rust.
Things I Do for Coffee
At present, I work as a Software Engineer @ Aquent. As an Engineer my daily activities include
- Building a rock-solid UI architecture that even my grandma could navigate — thanks to scalable React components.
- Becoming best friends with React Query and React hooks — we practically finish each other's dependencies.
- Taming wild APIs and integrated them seamlessly with the UI — no bugs were harmed in the process.
- Testing everything with React Testing Library — because "it works on my machine" wasn't good enough.
Things I Wrote So You Don’t Have To
Queuing Rest Apis using JavaScript
Apr, 2023
Space Physics
May, 2021
Simple Javascript Modules - Local Storage Module
Jun, 2021
Web-App using HTML, JS & Firebase - Part 2
Nov, 2020
Web-App using HTML, JS & Firebase - Part 1
Oct, 2020
Make it Rain 🌧 in HTML Canvas
Sep, 2020
Asynchronous data fetching using ReactQuery - Part 1 (Queries)
Sep, 2020
Build a "Pluggable" Widget for your Webapp
Sep, 2020
Using Webpack with React Typescript
Aug, 2020
Web Animation with GSAP
Aug, 2020
Javascript to Typescript
Jun, 2020
Getting started with Svelte JS
Sep, 2019
Finite State Machines in React.JS using xstate
Aug, 2019
How to create a Simple Physics Engine - Part 2
Jul, 2019
How to create a Simple Physics Engine - Part 1
May, 2019
Side Quests & Bug-Filled Adventures
Tooltip Sequence
A simple step by step tooltip helper for any site.
Made using NextJS, Tailwind and a whole lotta ❤️